Following the advice of Andy Hunt, I decided to start a blog. I want to be able to communicate my ideas in the most limpid way. Being a non-native English speaker, it is crucial for me to get used to write in English.


I am currently learning population genomics, applied to microbial communities. Me and my supervisors are studying a biased gene conversion process in bacteria, using a natural transformation model of recombination : Acinetobacter.

I have never been exposed to such concepts, yet they seem really appealing to me. I want to be able to put some clear reasoning on concepts I have learned so far. Writing a blog is perfect for that.

An aspiring bacterial evolutionnist

Here I’ll try to expose stuff that I learned during my late readings and research paper gambling…

I mostly do microbiology and evolution on a computer, using R and Python, and I try my best to be good at it. I’ll certainly blog on it sometimes.

I also loves Emacs, on which I’ll try to blog some other times.