I’ve been eager to go back to blogging after more than a year of leaving it alone — a PhD process is quite demanding, and I’m a father now … I always thought it was a pity that I stopped writing but here I am, trying to find some time to write again.

I’d like to apologize to readers I’ve not responded to, because of more pressing deadlines or stuff like that. I’d also like to thank everybody that sent me good feedback on my emacs posts, I’m really glad that I could help you in joining the emacs land.

Revisiting an old blog is like sweeping out the dust in an old cellar after ten years. Among other thing, I had to adjust the style a little bit to reduce the column span, it suits my tastes better; I removed pictures that took ages to load and serve no precise goal; I removed disqus comments, in an attempt to reduce the amount of javascript in my website.

I also re-read some old content. While I’m not proud of everything in it, it wasn’t to the point of removing it. Who knows, maybe someone is still interested in it ? (I keep getting mail of people saying that they liked some post.)

I created another headline to browse the posts by tags, and reduced the number of different tags that I had assigned to posts. I now have less than ten different categories that should make sense to other people than me.

Finally, I created another headline called “Français” in which I plan to write posts in french. Maintaining a french version of the website was getting too cumbersome.